Higher payout ratio and more bonus stocks will make the price of the shares higher and will bring considerable capital gain. 派息率越高、送红股越多,就会使普通的股票股的股价越高,带来客观的资本增值。
In order to prevent people from stagging, investors are being offered a bonus if they keep their shares for longer than two years. 为了阻止人们倒卖股票,投资者有持股两年以上便会得到一份红利。
To win their minorities over, state companies gifted investors free bonus shares and, in some cases, free warrants as well. 为了争取小股东的支持,国有上市公司免费向他们派发红股,某些情况下还免费派送权证。
To buy and sell ( stock, for example). Bonus share: A share given as a Bonus to purchasers of shares. (股票)交易购买及销售(如股票)红利股:作为红利赠送给股票购买者的股票。
For the first part, it will be used to determine performance-driven remuneration, including cash bonus, performance shares and stock options. 对第一部分的评审将决定基于员工表现的花红奖金,包括现金、表现股份(performanceshares)和公司股票买入期权。
We even offer nominee service which can help clients to receive all the dividends and bonus shares. 我们甚至会提供代理人服务,代客收取股息及红股。
A public company that carries out issuance of bonus shares or capital reduction and makes delivery by the book-entry method shall comply with regulations pertaining to centralized securities depository enterprises, and need not print physical securities. 公开发行公司办理无偿配发新股或减少资本,以帐簿划拨方式交付者,应依证券集中保管事业相关规定办理,得不印制实体有价证券。
Many papers on the firm theory think that risk sharing, namely, paying the managers bonus shares for their managerial contribution, is the best incentive arrangement. 西方企业理论中很多文献认为,风险分担,即支付企业高级管理人员红股作管理报酬,是最优激励安排;